Scott Rogers / Calgary

What You Want. / 2009

144 unique ink blots drawings. A4 size white paper, black ink.

During my residency at Pilotprojekt Gropiusstadt in Berlin I created 144 unique ink blots which I distributed to each mailbox in the apartment building. I thought of the project as a kind of anonymous and temporary public artwork. This public work developed from my very real interest in producing something for the individuals in the building which did not require dialogue or consultation yet inherently manifested their desires; a sort of deeply personalized and totally impersonal junk mail. I delivered the project at 3AM on the night before leaving Berlin. I have no idea what response there was to the project.


I would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts for their
support of my residency at Pilotprojekt Gropiusstadt.
